National Schengen Information System (NSIS)

What We Did
The Schengen Information System (SIS), is a governmental database, used by 26+ European countries to maintain and distribute information on individuals and pieces of property of interest. The intended uses of this system are national security, border control and law enforcement.
The database holds data of the concerned persons:
- Requested for extradition;
- Undesirable in the territory of a participating State;
- Minor of age, mentally ill patients, and missing persons or in danger with an aim of ensuring their own protection;
- Requested by a judicial authority, such as witnesses, those quoted to appear for notification of judgement and absconders;
- Suspected of taking part in serious offences and having to be the subject of checks or a surveillance control.
In addition, the following objects are concerned:
- Motor vehicles under a surveillance control;
- Lost, stolen, or misappropriated vehicles, license plates, firearms, banknotes, identity documents, blank identity documents, containers, securities, industrial equipment.
- Binary data is stored in relation to persons/objects: photos, scanned documents, warrants, scanned fingerprints.
Each Member State has developed it's own national system (NSIS) that connects and shares data with the central SIS.
We have been contracted by Lithuanian Ministry of Interior to perform:
- Development of National Schengen information system – NSIS;
- Integration of related national systems with NSIS;
- Formal and informal testing with European Commission and Member States;
- Deployment to production;
- Data migration;
- Training and documentation;
- Maintenance and support.
NSIS operates in a 24x7 model.
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